torsdag 19 mars 2009

The Internet


the absoluteness in this meaningless search,
for this unseen, this voiceless,
this, this,
or escape from,
this unkempt

so astute
so severely
the disconnected
the temporal lobe
a lone lie near
a neat necessity
a tremor
the actual
the fine
or excellent
escape from
the stars, the stars in my ass
i can not hold them still
they leak
i am secular
i am the other god
the one true
and remote
and possible
and totally still for it is not me who fall, it is the world
the last chapter
and i wrote
the ink
world pencil, penitentiary, world open yourself, reveal yourself
the unthinkable,
blatant misery vehicle dead on the road
indestructible values,
the ink and
the pencil androgynous, violating the,
mobile phones, russian vodka,
telemarketing the ink of invisibility crimes, waiting for, treading the sky,
for it is not me who fall, it is the world
and the internet looks back at me,
and i am terrified,
i am terrified,
and a tear losens itself from, and just sit there,
opening and closing, shiny
it is the world that breaks, and not me
the ignorance
so feverishly delicate
and dark, and highly fluid and yet not at all
but irreplaceable,
like interior tenderness, furry
feardrops forming,
it was fun, now it is not, useless people, useless world, useless
useless people, useless ink, color, pencil, paper, reader
for it is not me who fall, it is you
mark this passage,
the tremors multiply, form life of its own, dawn is about
have a drink of lies,
share your secret migraine visions,
i am there, call me
break me in two,
heed the solitude pencil before it writes you off
down with and down without, screech
another tear form
the tree yawns, have seen it all
delicate, the mud of dreams swallowed, and it was red
extricate the drum beat from the honey
tastes good, yes
feardrops form on the windows, no
in the unwritten tunnel is unwritten stories, yes
captivated für elise, yes
hair trigger the anus gun, all is possible
the precursor to no, so terribly silent that i can hear it,
hot on my trail is the pencil holder, green ink
tremor witness protagonist, perhaps
sleep, tumor television
in the end, poetry will prevail
tastes good,
and yes, the world fall, useless like all of you, useless
food, extricate yourself from the page
my phone rings, do i answer
fetid conspiracy, take your pick
sleep, wake up
the temperature drops, keep your fantasy to yourself
pain, i wave good bye over and over and over
but it is futile, yes
the tremor remain, yes
useless yes and useless no
i wave good bye over and over and over
the armless chair just laughs,
your phone rings, do you answer your phone
it is not me who fall, it is everything else
let the door fit just once, please
i can not describe the needs i harbour, no end in the pencil
save what can be saved, yes


torsdag 12 mars 2009

Wilseyville - Pt. 1.


Wilseyville. That's a name that pops up in my mind from time to time. It's a town in California and the name are linked to Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. I can't explain why it pops up but it does.

Lake and Ng kidnapped a lot of people and kept them as slaves. They captured a few of their rape/torture/murders on video tape. They killed about 20 people; men, women and children. Lake kept a detailed journal of his thoughts and fantasies regarding murder. In connection to an incident where Ng had shop-lifted, Lake was taken into custody but committed suicide while Ng fled to Canada. The police thought it was strange that someone would commit suicide over such a misdemeanor charge as shop-lifting. Then the whole sordid tale of their murderous doings was unfolded. It took a long time to get Ng back from Canada to face charges in crimes that carried the death sentence. That's what I can remember.

Wilseyville, Wilseyville, Wilseyville, TBC.
