lördag 28 februari 2009

the evidence


closer, come closer. closer than my face is close to me. closer than my words are close to me inside my mouth. come closer, saliva love. come closer to the curves of my straight face. closer, come closer to the window, i address you. closer, come closer to me than i have ever been. come, come to me mountain and rest with me. come, come and make me come. closer still. closer in every syllable of this razor that i have mistaken for a rose. come, drift and drowse along the long roads. come closer. closer still. and go with me. go under the surface of time and space. come and make me come. come with me to see the scriptures ejaculate. see, see this. for the tunnel of my vision is a bridge that pass through solid rock. come, closer than your every thought have ever been to the core of your universe. come closer, closer than my face is close to me are your eyes but your eyes will never see beyond your eyes. come, come see my mountain and the softness of words for closer still i am.


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