tisdag 9 februari 2016

fucking pillow...



mushroom in
dictionary,  mushroom musical,
friendly rifle fire, long rifle
I long for rifles, fire friendly
not to search for the
right word, all the time,
all the time, not...
thoughts cutting thoughts
disarmed, weapons... not weapons

sky of egyptian horses,
fields of grain scorched under changing skies, egyptian horses
in full flight, I hate to search, all the time,
for the right word -
bleeding through for me, earth pours from my eyes - 10 years to late,
words coming out different each time, aches the same,
always the same, all the time going, all the time, going to the dictionary...
just a date in the journal, not even a scratch on the page...

look at the world - learn nothing, look at the world - a movie...
says nothing, in the dictionary - same words; say nothing,
we learn to stand, only to fall, over
and - the fucking pillow,
doesn't work,
the way,
I -
learn nothing...

